I am sure like me, you often feel like Jennifer Hudson, like this is just a sentence, am I doing timmeee. (that's my jam girl lol!)
I hum dee dumdy this thought as ponder the many comments I have heard over my all two years of work experience.
In this age of instant gratification and constant excitement, how do we as plebs find job satisfaction? Or is this another myth that our parents dangled in front of us as the carrot to study further?
My colleague recently educated me on the fact that the "smart" know it all professors who educate us don't warn us in varsity about the "lack of job satisfaction" we often experience once we are fully fledged into our careers. That according to Maslow we will inevitably become "bored" with our current situation often seeking a higher meaning in life - whatever that may be to you ( whether it be obtaining the ever wanted Mercedes Benz or better yet the house hill that casts a shadow on all the other "so-called I made it's " or wait and I really heard this the other day, the all consuming power you now think you have! Hehehe ( When we all know "The Man" is still in charge!)
My question to you my fellow bloggers ( as seekers of acknowledgment and praise ) - is how do we know when we hit the jackpot job wise? Is it when we are finally consumed by our power or when you leave work feeling utterly satisfied.
A wise friend once said to me: " Mego, work is not what the company offers you, instead it is what you make of the company.". Brilliant. Right? If you live in a bubble without work politics, bad canteen food and the ever nagging phrase " I need you to do this". ( Or worse yet, can you do this, or you are good at doing this. )
If you are bored in your current position, frustrated with your job or merely just unsure with what the future holds for you, I have wisely been hum dee dumdying some thoughts to make your work life more exciting:
1. Change your e-mail signature to reflect your new title as The Business Empowerment Consultant( why - because no one knows what that means but everyone will be too scared to ask and look blonde ; )
2. Whenever people ask you to do things, refer to yourself in the third person and constantly answer their question with a question ( that should free up some time ).
3. Never walk around without a folder in your hand, everyone knows busy people take notes!
4. Never stop walking around! ( You will avoid meetings, look busy and always be unavailable to take calls! )
5. As the newly appointed business empowerment consultant, inundate people with informative notes on.... everything! ( Google a topic a day and send it to all those oh-so interested parties) .
6. Always tell people you need to talk to them, but then briskly walk away to your next meeting.. ( with folder in hand and serious face on show).
7. Suddenly change your surname on your e-mail signature, this will be a great conversation starter.
8. Order take-out for everyone in the office, providing the restaurant with your colleague's details.
9. Always arrive at work early, not only do busy people arrive at work early but it will also give you time to hide away your colleagues stuff. Especially on Mondays.
10. Managers like innovative people - every week place some really interesting notices up for all to see:

I think any motivational speaker would agree that these are not only entertaining but definitely stress relievers. Still it doesn't answer the question of job satisfaction, but that is a hum dee dumdy for a another more serious day ( if one ever arrives ).
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on making work life more exciting! ; )