In this age of marriages on second life and frequent "love meetings" occurring on-line, I often wonder what has become of the married lives of those who are now bombarded with this new technology.
Instead of verbal fights, arguments with loved ones are now expressed through IM nudges and ugly emoticons of one smiley face bashing another. The clear benefit being you can quietly giggle behind your computer screen whilst ensuing in your argument. Having done this myself, I thoroughly enjoy the use of dictionary.com on my side ( being smarter than my counter part clearly ) - I utilize this to ensure my arguments are as vivid and colorful in their language as can be. I must warn those of you who, whose relationships are bordering separation that these on-line brawls can often be used against us!!! Either in the legal court or worse yet, the new ultimate fear of citizens of the WWW - proliferating your reputation on facebook and other networking sites! Yikes!! Something we should always keep in mind - as there is nothing worse than declaring to the world " Mego is no longer listed as in a relationship with Online Stud ".
Forget the heartache though and think of the beauty in this invention. No more hand holding or good night kisses ( yugh ). Instead our relationships can be made of IM's bouncing back and forth as we sit along side each other in the bedroom: " Night Hun, love you " IM Reply, "Your turn to switch off the lights my love.." This is hilarious but ingenious at the same time - coming from someone who follows the art of bart, I clearly do not relish in the cuddly wuddly mushy wushy pains of being in love. But this is great!
Don't take this as a new mask within which to hide your emotions - as I find emotions often jump out of pages and particularly off screens. Men fear not, your desire to understand what is going on in the female mind has indeed been answered, either by reading her blog, status or twitter update" Mego is currently looking for new options" . Remember that nothing says I'm sorry like a cute smiley bouncing up and down with flowers in hand, never mind budget saving. Here's the test, ask your IM lover ( when there is something wrong clearly, cos we know you know ), whats wrong? Your answer will be clearly laid out for you by the smiley now on fire or the punctuation used.
Remember to use your fullstops, caps and exclamation marks sparingly. Citizens of the WWW are far more in tune with descriptions and language than those who choose to live in the real world. The battlegrounds of love have changed into on-line 3 dimensional worlds where and "!" could land you sleeping on the couch or worse yet blocked from someone's face book page! Luckily ladies we have our own benefits in being on-line lovers, as we no longer require private detectives to determine the faithfulness of our partners. Men being men, are far less discrete than woman and often proudly feature in several discriminating photographs on facebook - but don't get mad, get cleverly even my dear... Post a cute picture of a monkey and tag the online stud as being part of the evolution cycle.

Happy hunting on-line love, I will definitely be following your antics and keeping the world updated as I hum dee dumdy about my next mushy wushy IM.
LOVE it!!! You missed the all important topic of emoticons, however :) Try this on your skype account - type in(mooning) - just like that; in brackets and all, and give that one a go with your next IM-onlin-lover!
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