Being 5,6 or even 13 years old for that matter, we often consider a myriad of people we interact as our friends. Regardless of the fact that most of these people wouldn't take a bullet for us never mind share their lunch. Now as I get older, much older for that matter, I often find myself spring cleaning my closet of friends but for some reason always holding on ( tightly ) to those few classic items that have never seemed to fail me!
Here is my quick guide to determine who exactly are your real friends and who should be added to the yard sale pile without a thought!

1. Real friends have a great sense of humour, and will always be there to act out your utterly embarrassing drunk moments. Hey Nige?
- they are the ones who stand outside the jail cell and sing ridiculous songs for you as you are released.
2. Real friends never make you feel like you are alone - they are either locked up with you, holding your hair back after one to many tequilas or better yet standing right behind you patiently awaiting that much needed cheers! Or better yet joining you on Twitter after they blatantly admitted to not seeing the value.
3. Real friends know when to say NO. No don't sing that song in public. No don't wear that. No don't say that stoopid line to that chick. No don't call him after one too many. NO Don't go dance on the stage, lol . No you were not too embarrassing.( Not that we listen, but hey it counts that someone tried to stop us ).
4. Real friends know when to say YES, and be forceful. YES we must have another drink. YES we must go out tonight. YES I will go with you shopping. YES let's go there rather... YES I have done that before to. Yes everyone will remember what you did last night. Always the right yes, even if it is not what we always want to hear.
5. Real friends have a 6th sense. Which means it doesn't take more than the look on your face for them to know whats going on in that crazy head of yours.
6. Real friends give you real distractions! Whether it is that drinking game when you've had a rough week, or the sprinkler dance when you see you don't really want to see - Your real friends won't leave you hanging there with your mouth open aghast.
7. Real friends are embarrassing - I know this as I consider myself a real friend and am extremely embarrassing! Your true friends will never forget that embarrassing moment, never stop reminding you and are close enough to you to have permission to tell other people. HA HA HA. True blue friends are worse. You will introduce to people ( people you have a crush on ), and they will ramble on with a lengthy list of interrogation questions! Sorry guys, I am often the guilty one, but "what are your intentions " is always a good one!
8. Real friends give great hugs. There is nothing like the hug of a true friend when the sh*t has hiteth the faneth. When the world is crumbling around you. These are the people who know you best, who often care about you as much as family and when they hug you - the pain will not subside but it definitely does sooth the pain just like zambuk.
9. Real friends are honest. These are not the people whose statements you have to question or advice you take with a pinch of salt. Nope. These peoples are close enough to you to be utterly harsh and honest. But always give you the advice you need - or at least they think so, so let's give them the credit.
10. Real friends are like familia. They live in your house, open your fridge, crash on your couch and often mistaken for a distant cousin by your own family.They are now like an extension of you as gross as it does seem lol...Blood in Blood out.
Needless to say, in retrospect I am glad I don't consider everyone a true blue friend. Instead I have a handful of classic items that I would never shake off!
Hope you have a few friendo's too, hum!