If you are anything like me and prefer collaboration instead of conflict please can you give me some guidance on how to handle these anger junkie freaks of nature. With all the world's issues, you would swear we no longer have space in our time zones for petty argumentators but we do.
As angry as I sound, I often can't help but giggle at this poor soul with no other "joy" ( or so-called ) than to get themselves all flustered in their actions to others.

In high school it was all much easier - we could simply place worms in this person's lunch or worse yet duck before the next punch hit leaving the monkey tumbling to their feet. In work however the playing field has been unevened by senior titles ( no matter how much they mean nothing ), kiss-asses and the worst kind of I know everything and am wrong about nothing.
How did these aliens evolve and what do we as normal people now do in our daily engagements with them?
While my diplomatic friend advocates the smile and wave approach, the more S*it I have to take the more I want to take a shovel and swing it right back at them.
What do you do? What would you? What if the alien is senior to you? Or worse yet not as smart as you? ( lol - which is often the case ).
My problem is that these time wasting political games often get in the way of good team work and ultimately completing a great job done together. Instead half of us ( the bullies ) are engaged in this imaginary war while the remainder of us ( who would just like to get the work done ) are extremely busy dodging you and ignoring the frequent tantrums.
I'm not sure how long I can keep my cool, never mind my cute and polite tongue. If these pointless argumentative attitudes persist.
The art of what Bart Simpson would do has escaped me for now, but I am certain if I hum dee dumdy this long enough, I will find a way to end your torment. Yip.