I have been absent from the Blogosphere of late, and have finally found the courage to blog about what really goes on in my life.
After a recent sudden and pro-longed break-up, I would like to air my newly found views on men and love with you! lol and hopefully in the process obtain some much needed advice.
Someone cute and very wise has recently told me that there is nothing like a well thought out thought - the importance of which I never realised until my break-up. It is all good well to think certain things, but please remember that if you have failed to think it through keep the warning sign firmly attached to your forehead.
Case in point is my newly found stalker, a person which I will refrain from calling a gentleman as I think he is still W.I.P the poor fella....
I am not certain about the rest of the ladies out there, but I am of the firm opinion that after the 4th try you should have surely by now gotten the point and no matter how much more abrupt and forceful your persistence is, it should simply not continue! This is a rare breed of man, the type who has experienced the creme da la creme of females, used and abused her and is keen to continue to his next triumph. The only problem is, that of the old cow or starter pack theory - which simply fails to sink into his thick skull!!
He is unfortunately that of an old cow now, someone who has been "blessed" by the hide mark of another woman. Not to say all men fall into this category, but this poor soul certainly still caries the mark.
Needless to say after having being fully honest with this poor lad - the picture was still rosily unclear and in his utmost wisdom prior to thinking he did the "blurt" : " Just be honest with me, are you simply not interested? ". After several attempts at stifling my chuckles - I was forced to grin and bear the stupidity after rejecting the calls, and numerous date offers - yes dear, I am afraid right now I am not interested in you.
Please save me the flushing cheeks, spare yourself the pain and together we can create some well thought out thoughts. ;) Hum Dee Dumdy for sure.... Guys I would certainly love to hear your stalker stories so that I in my utmost wisdom do not commit the same crimes but instead take on a more adventurous stalker role!
You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it
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