Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Social Media Politics

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
With all the fantastic buzz around this new craze, I think it is time to investigate some of the serious negatives the intrusion of the corporate world has had on Social Media, and social networking fanatics.

While I am in marketing, and fully agree with the use of social media to engage in a dialogue with your customers, I can't help but feel a bit robbed of my "Facebook joys" since the corporate world caught on.

Previously we could freely blog, blast, complain and purely vent out all our emoticons through our facebook page, twitter or blog without fear of persecution.

Now, the effect of what I am terming social media politics has come into play. An issue I would greatly appreciate your assistance on.

It boils down to the simple question of where is the personal and work life on-line relationship drawn?

Is it fair of possible employers to search for you on Facebook to obtain a deeper insight into your personality. Whilst we publish this freely on the web, shouldn't there be a code of conduct for all corporations to follow?

Instead of "scribbling" what immediately comes to mind on Facebook status - I now stop and pause, to hum the my colleagues reactions if they saw this status. " Mego is really irritated with someone's power trip at work " - will obviously be interpreted.

I am outraged to say the least. Feeling deprived of my on-line "not-so-personal" diary. Nevermind fear of reactions to your on-line out-pours, worse yet is when these evils follow your blogs or befriend you on facebook.

I feel sorry for the techie who would like to share his personal affiliation and adoration for Yoda, whose preferences are now victim to the scrutiny of "external evils" ( invaders of the World Wide Web, the evils who selfishly & intrusively utilize us and the internet to for their own marketing needs. )

To take a stand would be admirable and foolish - such is the nature of social media politics. What if you ignore the friend request? Well then you get pestered to accept. What if you set privacy clauses on Facebook, well then they ( external evils ) will find other ways of penetrating our world. Damn Doodlenutties. ( an annoying person with a small brain ).

This is an issue I think will only worsen as this social media buzz increases like a Tsunami wave. Thus I am reduced to my subdued and polite interactions and updates.

Clearly being polite, quiet and politically correct is working well for me. Hum dee..


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