Monday, April 20, 2009

The Societal Blame Game

Monday, April 20, 2009
Why is it with every single problem man kind experiences - EVERYTHING is to blame except ourselves ( excluding environmental issues which we have only now began to take accountability for! ).

I recently read a peculiar article on the responsibilities of marketing - and while I wholeheartedly believe that marketing does have a responsibility to uphold certain values and understand the influence on society. Marketing alone cannot surely be to blame for the insane and impulsive purchases of every High Musical Artifact by the youth?

Indeed marketing plays a mind-blowing ( literally ) role of "influencing" the buyer through the various stages until the ultimate goal of one more so-called loyal buyer. But is the main contributing factor - and if not what is. I can't have all the answers ( but will certainly pretend ).

The sad truth is that prior to the many marketing techniques ( traditional that-is ), there are many other factors that come to play. While marketing may get this ball rolling, it is the power of societal norms, parental habits and our friendly foes that often affect our purchasing behaviors and patterns. Can I get whoop whoop from any psychologist reading this?

Society needs to come to grips with this great wheel of influence we have on each other - and the affect our perceptions have on each other rather than blame everything from TV to the Internet for the bizarre lifestyles ( and strange buying patterns ) we now choose.

The only people who really think it's bizarre ( or that marketing is morally responsible for what people purchase ) are those not utilizing these methods for their own selfish purposes ( we won't call it marketing for today ; ). If these people really exist - the Cigarette and alcohol companies should take head of these goody-tooshoe evangelists. They will we the end of every vice you and I have.

In my opinion, they should..

Get a life. Get a blog. Watch a TV commercial and buy your dog some pedigree - it helps make the poop some articles splurb not sooo argh.

The Big Bang of Brands

While we are not only bombarded by brands and various marketing strategies on TV, but these phenomenal entities have also somehow managed to creep into every corner of our lives.

What is next for the way brands communicate with us?

With great new avenues such as bloggers advertising, Insurance companies sponsoring points man at out-of-order street lights and branding appearing virtually everywhere.. what are the big brains envisioning next?

In this day and age of information technology, I envision us entering a band-aid branded hospital and instead of hearing the dialing tone when calling listening to the soothing sounds of the Cell-C female ambassador. At this point imagination is clearly key and it appears it is the average joes ( not marketing mavericks ) rethinking the way the world is branded.

You think about it. Let's Hum Dee Dumdy it! Just be careful, I also envision these giant corporations merely employing techno-savvy people to scan the net for ideas which they may utilize.

Speaking of good ideas - I recently thought that brands of Condoms would benefit from "gobo-light" fittings instead of the corny bright colours we now purchase for our bedrooms. This is sure to get some minds "jerking" as the Durex logo flashes above the bed... Hum.
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