Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Art of Bart

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
To understand is to be understood - wise words from someone who definitely does not reside on planet earth.

As I stumble through my day-to-day scenes of life - I often feel like Bart Simpson. A misunderstood trouble make who under-achieves! I ponder on the wise philosophy of understanding others to be understood and chuckle at this aliens' naive approach to the many other creatures around us.

While I enjoy this "positive" outlook on life - I would rather much follow the Art of Bart. My fellow cretin in misbehavior and trouble making! Too many of us play the part of Mary Poppins insisting on following the "positive" outlook in life - when instead Bart has provided us with a far more entertaining method of being the lead.

This fun loving cartoon character - who I am sure is really based on my brother, is a philosopher in his own right. Instead of grudgingly swallowing the stones that life has thrown his way - Bart instead throws one back, aiming for the window and anyone else in the path while emphatically screaming "Eat my Shorts!".

I hum dee dumdy the thought and imagine the joys of life if many of us would take this approach. The outcasts would be befriended! The clowns would be tormented! Bartenders would not be as annoyingly friendly! The world would be running in fear of the short little "yellow" people ( with a strange resemblsance to those who say "blll..." instead of "brrr.." ).

The Art of Bart is definately to become my philosophy - so I warn that you watch out for the little person ( brown not yellow ) running around kicking people in their shins and rudely stating " Don't have a cow man!".

This is going to be fun... I wish you happy pill poppers luck, as the new alien takes over the earth.


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